Qingquan Xiao, Ph.D.


Dr. Qingquan Xiao is a Principal Investigator at Jinhua Research Institute of Zhejiang University. His research focuses on developing gene-manipulating tools, molecular diagnostics, and new delivery technologies. These tools including the miniature editing system IscB, allow for precisely editing genomes in fundamental research and therapeutics. Dr. Xiao graduated from Sichuan University in 2017 with a B.S. in Biological Sciences. He previously was at the Center for Excellence in Brain Science and Intelligence Technology (Institute of Neuroscience), Chinese Academy of Sciences as a graduate student in Hui Yang’s lab, where he obtained his Ph.D. From 2022 to 2024, he was a joint postdoc at CEBSIT and HuidaGene Therapeutics Inc. His work has been published as the first or co-first author in Nature Chemical Biology, Science Translational Medicine, Nature Methods, Nature Biotechnology, JCI, and Cell Discovery.

E-mail: qqxiao@zju.edu.cn